Kaizers Orchestra - Violeta Violeta Vinyl Box
Kaizers Orchestra - Violeta Violeta Vinyl Box
Violeta, Violeta vinyl box set, with a bonus 7-inch single and the 152 pages photo book FotoFoto. Limited edition, 1000 copies. Kaizers Orchestra’s final, spectacular album project, the trilogy Violeta, Violeta, is compiled in its entirety in this exclusive vinyl box set. As a special gift to their fans, the band has included a vinyl single with the two songs that didn’t make it onto Volume III, «Stjerner i posisjon» [«Stars aligned»] and «Cecilia I. Velur”. These two songs conclude the trilogy once and for all. Composer Janove Ottesen has the following to say about them: - “Stjerner i posisjon” is a pop song that didn’t quite fit in on Volume III, but I still like very much. It is a little airy, almost Caribbean, with a powerful staccato, musical-style, chorus. Maybe the closest we’ve ever gotten to indie music? The lyrics are about Violeta, who is contemplating life, the now and the end of it all, at which point we’ll hopefully be reunited with all the people we have known, but perhaps also with all those we should have known. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaizers_Orchestra
Violeta Violeta I
Philemon Arthur & The Dung
Diamant Til Kull
Femtakt Filosofi
Din Kjole Lukter Bensin, Mor
En For Orgelet, En For Meg
Tumor I Ditt Hjerte
Psycho Under Min Hatt
Svarte Katter & Flosshatter
Sju Bøtter Tårer Er Nok, Beatrice
Violeta Violeta II
I Ett Med Verden
Støv Og Sand
Tusen Dråper Regn
Drøm Videre, Violeta
Far Til Datter
Faen I Båten
Gresk Komedie
Den Romantiske Tragedien
Violeta Violeta III
Begravelsespolka 7:06
Forloveren 7:27
Aldri Vodka, Violeta 6:53
Tvilling 7:38
Det Polaroide Liv 3:50
Siste Dans 3:38
Markedet Bestemmer 6:30
Satan I Halsen 4:30
Perfekt I En Drøm 7:44
Sekskløver 6:17
Stjerner i posisjon
Cecilia I. Velur